The purpose of the sacrifice

Dhul-Hijjah is the month of the Islamic year on the tenth of which Hazrat Ismail (a.s.) was sacrificed in the presence of Allah. As soon as the moon of this month is visible, every heart remembers this great sacrifice which human history is unable to provide.This month commemorates the Holy Prophet, whose life was pure Shariat, clear arguments, verses, great miracles, external and internal, rich in physical and spiritual blessings, fear of God and purity, honesty and integrity, courage and independence, taste. Ibadah and night life, indifference to money and wealth and disinterest in the world and sacrifice was the ideal image, this is Prophet Ibrahim Khalil (peace be upon him).

Every blessing given by Allah Ta’ala is valuable and worthy of gratitude. But prophetic guidance is a gift to deluded and lost humanity, the value of which is impossible to estimate. Without this guidance, the history of humanity as a whole is colorless, animalism has found the harmony of humanity from this leader. If it were not for this torch, our universe would be smoke in every respect and our days and nights would be dishonorable in every respect.

In the past and present, if there are any examples of morals, good deeds, precious words and treasures of thoughts, then it is the blessing of the glorious lives of the Prophets. This is the divine grace which has saved the servants of every age from shame and given them grace. How many prophets came, but the age could not preserve the brilliance of their character and the brilliance of their thoughts. Sayyidna Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him), the Khalil of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, became a candle and gave an example of the eternal sacrifice that Allah Ta’ala allowed to continue.

The story of Sayyiduna Ibrahim (peace be upon him) in the chain of prophets is very interesting and enviable. For him, the command to sacrifice his son in the way of Allah was a great test, but how did Sayyiduna Ibrahim (peace be upon him) fulfill this test? Look at the words of the Qur’an.So We gave them the glad tidings of a long-suffering son. Then when he (Isma’il) reached (the age of) running with them, he said, “O my son, I see in a dream that I am slaughtering you, so consider what you think.” ) He said, O fathers (then what is the delay), do what you have been commanded (as far as I am concerned) you will find me among those who persevere, God willing.

Then when they both obeyed (Allah’s) order and (Abraham) laid them on their foreheads. And We called out to them, O Ibrahim (how good) you have made your dream come true. This is how we reward the righteous. (Indeed, the preparation of the father for the slaughter of the son) This was a great clear test (Ibrahim fulfilled this test) and We made a great sacrifice (made) for him.Every path of preaching religion is actually a path of revolution and the highway of revolution is not strewn with flowers. In this path, the black darkness of falsehood descends with all its wrath, the palace conspiracies are bent on ruining the morals of the Ummah, the terrible dragons of doubts are seen blowing from place to place, the verdant valleys of Iman and Iqan. Efforts are made to turn the dust-blowing arid deserts, the lowlands of the eagles into possession.

The raging winds of ignorance begin to extinguish the candle of knowledge. In such desperate, discouraging and patient situations, the Lord of the worlds, with his great wisdom, arranges to benefit the worlds bit by bit and leaf by leaf through the light of civilization and guidance, so that human education and completion, Being freed from ethnic and national boundaries should reach the same level of human dignity.Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) prays to Allah that Almighty Allah bless me with a good, righteous and pure son. Ibrahimi’s prayer is granted honorable acceptance, and an obedient son named Ismail is given the figure of nobility and nobility, enjoyment and refinement, refinement and development, growth and guidance from the presence of God. Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) is the light of his father’s eyes,the center of his long-standing love and desire, and the support of his late life.

There is immense love between father and son and Allah Almighty says that Abraham! Sacrifice your liver Ismail in our way.It is a matter of surprise that no human sacrifice has been ordered till date. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) could have acted on it while he was awake and there was also evidence because this command was given to him in a dream, but look at the qualities of the Prophet’s faith and actions! He narrated the whole story to his son Ismail without pausing for a moment, but did not give him orders but asked his opinion. Sacrifice also for the greatness of the faith of this prophet, who accepted the dream of his father as the command of Allah and received the unique honor of Zabih Allah in the history of humanity.Father asks son son! Tell me what is your opinion? Obedient son answers Abajan! Obey the order of your Lord and you will find me among the patient, God willing.Who taught Ismail manners?

Now going forward, Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) laid his son on his forehead and Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him) put his neck on the blessed ground in the love of Allah, and the father started to use the knife, then the angels of the sky and the world first appeared. Seeing this magnificent scene of obedience and submission to God, he was shocked. The knife was about to go, but a call came from Allah Karim:Abraham! You made your dream and Allah’s order come true, this is how We reward the righteous. Of course, it was a great test. And We redeemed this child by giving a great sacrifice.


Hazrat Ibrahim opened his blindfold after hearing the divine revelation. And saw that there was a ram near the bush. He thanked Allah and slaughtered him. And thus, this sunnah of Ibrahimi was made obligatory on every person who can afford it until the Day of Judgment.This is the sacrifice that was so pleasing to Allah, the Lord of Glory, and was accepted and accepted in such a way that this sacrifice was declared as the motto of the nation of Abraham.
And left his praise and admiration forever in later generations. Peace be upon Abraham. Such is the reward We give to those who do good.

It is stated in the Quran:
That is why sacrifice is the most favorite act of Eid al-Adha. It is the Sunnah of Allah’s Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.), which Allah, the Exalted and Exalted, has made a means of gaining nearness to Him until the Day of Judgment. The purpose of sacrifice is clearly stated in the Quran. In Surah Al-Hajj, Allah says:That is, the eye of Allah does not look at the faces of the servants, nor does He look at the wealth, rupees, money, gold, silver and houses, but Allah, the Exalted, sees the intention hidden in the hearts of the servant.The Companions of the Prophet asked him what is sacrifice.

In reply he said: He said:A good deed for every hair (Ibn Majah)It is narrated from Hazrat Aisha that the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:According to Allah, the most favorite of all the acts of the servants on the Day of Sacrifice is to shed the blood of the animal (sacrifice) and the servant will be present on the Day of Resurrection with the horns, hooves and hair of his sacrifice. Before the blood of the sacrifice falls on the ground, it receives honor in the presence of Allah, so you should perform the sacrifice with a cheerful heart. (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)

Sacrifice on Eid-ul-Adha is not only related to remembering Sunnah Ibrahimi and sacrificing an animal, but the real meaning of sacrifice is that a person sacrifices his most precious thing for the sake of Allah. The purpose of sacrifice is our desire to bow before Allah’s orders so that Allah will be pleased with us.The purpose of sacrifice is to create the same spirit of sacrifice, the same state of faith and the same glory of love and loyalty to the Creator of the Universe as demonstrated by Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him).

The purpose of sacrifice is to gain closeness to Allah, His pleasure and pleasure. The purpose of sacrifice is to live for the pleasure of the Lord, live for the pleasure of your Creator, wherever you live, remain faithful to Islam, spend every moment in obedience to God and love for the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace.But today’s man has forgotten the purpose of sacrifice and the event of sacrifice. The original sacrifice was the conversation between the father and son, the sacrifice of Danba was his redemption. May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala grant us the ability to follow the Sunnah of Ibrahimi. Amen!