It is generally observed that the main cause of problems in family life in the middle class is low income, because due to low income, he does not get all the comforts that his family expects from him. Problems come in life.

According to common observation, man has innumerable desires and when one desire is fulfilled, he starts running after another desire.
But those desires should be such that it is possible for him to fulfill them and for which he does not have to cut the throat of another person, does not have to exploit another person, does not have to kill anyone’s right and does not have to do any violation that would harm his country.

Majority of us prefer to live in joint family system and many arguments and examples are given for this.

Those living in a joint family for centuries cannot imagine their children leaving them and living separately. Staying there, there are disputes between mother-in-law, sister-in-law, brothers, but still the whole family forces the outcast to stay together. He is given various references. The whole family gets angry with him and tries to cut him off from social contact and so on. Therefore, many interpretations are given that the joint family is the only guarantee of improvement in the East.
The concept of separation is a western thought but even if he separates, all the blame is put on his wife and if you look around you will be surprised that it is the daughter-in-law who is the villain for him at that time. She is considered to be the daughter of maternal uncle, paternal uncle, paternal aunt or paternal aunt of this family.
Now the question is whether family life can be improved through joint system or through separate living system? In joint system families where the attitudes of family members are positive, where everyone’s opinion is respected, where daughters-in-law are treated like daughters, where brothers are pitted against each other over under- or over-paying utility bills. If not, where there is harmony in these two families with husband and wife and respect each other’s opinion,
Similarly, families who live separately, if there is harmony between them (husband and wife) then there will never be problems between them, otherwise they become separated and suffer more problems and because they make their own life decisions. If they do and no elder of the family is involved in their decisions, tension is bound to emerge in these families, which in many cases leads to divorce.
Cultivate a positive mindset. Involve your spouse in family decisions. Give him importance in your family and don’t let him feel that he is a stranger to the family. Similarly, it is important for a married woman to bring honor to her husband in her family. I have observed that there is always tension in families where the son-in-law is not recognized.
In many families, the respect given to the son-in-law is expected to be more than that and so they pretend to handle their in-laws on the occasion of happiness, sadness, and so on.
Similarly, daughters-in-law also have the same suspicion that they are not getting the respect they deserve.
In the present era, there has been a change in the thinking of these relationships. In the past, daughters were told at the time of marriage that from now on it will be your house, your parents-in-law will be your parents and you have to be loyal to them and that house till death, but in today’s age, a daughter It is explained that if someone talks to you there, tell us then we will see. Therefore, today’s divorce rate is higher than in the past. Distances between families have increased. Families have forgotten the distinction between good and bad in the endless cycle of desires and in this context have scattered the traditions, principles and values of their joint families.

If you want to improve family life, not only husband and wife but all family members should make their attitudes positive. Whether you live in a joint family system or a separate one, you should respect each other’s opinions and family decisions should be resolved through mutual consultation. Keep your family’s traditions and values in mind and don’t do any mistake that will tarnish your family’s good name. Especially in today’s era when the present world is called “Technology World”, where people are badly caught in the clutches of social media. In such a situation you have to decide for yourself what you can do to improve your family life and how you can set an example for your family.
“First of all, we are someone’s children, then we are the sisters or brothers of siblings, then we gradually make some friends in life, then at a certain stage we get married.
We become a couple, that is, we become someone’s spouse and also come into the role of husband or wife, and then finally the day comes when we ourselves take the form of “parents”, which culminates in one day or the other. We also become grandparents like our old parents.
Acquainting people with the distinction of living as a perfect “team” is no less than worship.
Gina Fulburn explains that her husband is a high school tennis coach and that this “skill” she learned from her husband.
If there is awareness in any community that living together as a team makes life easy, satisfying and melodious, then it is a remarkable achievement and maybe even our responsibility as human beings.
The real purpose and beauty of life is to adorn illiterate people with the jewel of education.
When a person reads a text written with your help for the first time, the message in his eyes for you is actually Ṣāḥāṃ Jīst (life) and you have spiritual joy knowing that he is a man or a woman. The person you made literate will remember you fondly for a lifetime.
To them, life is the best activity, to spread love and warmth in society, which means helping people in need.
In addition to making blankets for children’s hospitals, I also make different types of blankets for pets in my spare time. Apart from this, I also make shawls for elderly people. I find great comfort in this work.

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