The saying of Hazrat Ali Karamullah Rabiyyah is famous: “Society can only survive on disbelief and not on oppression”. If you look at the entire system of Pakistan in the context of this one statement, you will understand the deterioration of the situation.”Constitution is a sacred document” We have not only heard this phrase often in speeches, but we are also given the same impression in the curriculum that the Constitution is a document under which justice prevails in the country. The oppressor is banished, equality and equity are enforced at the practical level, every institution works within its limits. The Legislature, Judiciary and Administration do their work efficiently under the rules written in this holy document.

Whether it is the Fourteen Points of Quaid-e-Azam, the Resolution of Objectives, the Constitution of Pakistan or the rules and regulations regarding the federation and its units, the details are memorized in the textbooks, but at the practical level, we do not see any change from the establishment of Pakistan to today. Not even visible. In the textbooks we found the constitution, the source of power was the people. But it was written somewhere in the textbooks. And the situation today is that the people are not happy.The biggest injustice to the people is that the elite deprives them of the rights that the constitution has given them and then they raise the slogan of supremacy of the constitution. The requirement of justice is that after ensuring the provision of their basic rights to the people, the politicians should fight the war of power as they wish, but whoever got the opportunity here created problems for the people.


In the context of the current situation, we are getting to hear the word of constitution only in the corridors of the judiciary, the windows of the House and the meetings of the politicians. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf claims that elections should be held in 90 days, the constitution says so. The Election Commission says we will do it in more than 90 days, this is also what the constitution says. Judiciary says we will enforce our decision, we have constitutional authority. Parliament claims that we are the supreme body, we cannot impose our opinion, this is our constitutional privilege. The army is silent, according to the person, that is what the constitution says. But the politicians don’t like the silence of this institution and also their speech. Because to some their silence is good, to others their speech is beneficial.


A common Pakistani has probably forgotten to ask the politicians whether the constitution of Pakistan is only a formula for the distribution of power or is it more than that? We do not hesitate to question whether the Constitution of Pakistan is a sacred document because it has given rights to the people or it is a sacred document because of the principle of sharing the country together.People are basically content only to raise slogans and take temporary protocols (during elections) otherwise they do not bother to ask their politicians that you will indeed fight election after election between the judiciary and the administration, but Article 25 (A) of the Constitution states that the state will provide free and compulsory education to children up to the age of sixteen, so when will it be provided to us? But we are not a questioning nation.


The adage that the ant is killed in the fight of elephants is true for the fight of institutions. We use our intellect in support of politicians until we tear our throats, otherwise we would have asked all the institutions so much that you all fight each other, but in Article 32 of the Constitution, the promotion of local bodies is promised. Why is it not being implemented? And why these political parties are the only ones who make mistakes in the local government system. Isn’t it the case that somehow the access of the poor becomes possible in the municipalities and this is not the concern of the institutions and the politicians?


We have been entangled only in the rigging of elections and the people neither want to question the politicians nor the institutions as to whether the promotion of social justice and elimination of social evils as detailed in Article 37 of the Constitution. Our leaders are also paying attention to this. Paying attention to this aspect only ends the politics of our leaders, so why should they pay attention? Just hold elections, throw out the old eaters so that the new eaters have a chance. Someone eats for five years, someone eats for three years and that’s it.The tragedy of Pakistan has been that we have the Resolution of Objectives or the sayings of the Fathers of the Nation, the Constitution of Pakistan or the institutional rules and regulations, everything is available to read in the textbooks, but not even ten percent of it is seen at the practical level coming.

What are the rights of the people in the constitution, what are the features of the welfare state, who is the main source of power and authority, what is the power of the people, what are the times of the sovereign in front of the people, education, health And how are other public service departments the responsibility of the state? All these factors have been forgotten by the Constitution of Pakistan and the sacred document of the Constitution is being used only to perpetuate its power. Yet the people are engrossed in their tunes, shouting slogans and chanting slogans in favor of selfish politicians.

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