Because at home we break our fast with hot water and in the mosque there is plenty of fruit.””Good son, I will bring you some fruit tomorrow.”The next day, the old unemployed father came to a fruit cart, and handed over his baby turtle, which was worth 30 rupees per milla, and asked for an apple. The driver said that only one apple will come in this amount. And then the helpless father agrees to take the rotten apples that the cartman has put in the garbage.
It may appear to be a scene from a short-lived improvised video circulating on a social networking site, but it is actually a reflection of our overall social attitudes.

We see our own will and convenience while spending in the way of Allah. Especially in the holy month of Ramadan, we will send a bag full of fruit to the mosque, but we don’t think it is good to ask about the news of the neighborhood. If you have to give a donation to the mosque, if you have to pay zakat, then you have to give it to the mosque, give charity, therefore, when most of us think of spending in the way of Allah, we calm ourselves by contributing to the donation of the mosque. Due to our social attitudes towards them, the number of mosques, madrasahs like private schools is increasing in our homeland. According to an estimate, there are more than 30,000 Madrasahs in Watan Aziz, which were about 247 at the time of the establishment of Pakistan.

The important thing is that why it happens that we are deprived, we are not able to take care of our relatives and neighbors? In fact, in our society, the habit of forgiving is being abandoned. Broad-hearted, kind behavior is increasingly missing from our daily lives. We get angry with relatives and people around us for trivial things and build a self-made wall. However, it has been strongly emphasized in our religion to be kind to neighbors and relatives and to spend money on them.Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:They find out what to spend from you.(Surah Baqarah verse 215)The decree of Tajdar Madinah Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) is noble. Meaning (Musnad Ahmad):”A person who wants his age to be blessed, his sustenance to increase, should be kind to blood relations.”


The scholars explain the description of Salah al-Rahimi in this way: They break the relationship, you connect the relationship, if they do injustice, you forgive, they take away, you give.But this does not mean that we should stop donating to mosques or financially supporting madrasahs. The only request is to consult with scholars while providing financial support to mosques and madrassas. By showing a generous heart, the conditions of the neighbors and relatives should be known. If they are in need, they should be prioritized first. Even after that, if the wealth is left, it must be supported by Madrasahs and people from far away, rather it should be done generously.

It should be remembered that if our religion has ordered Zakat, Sadaqah, Charity and spending money in the way of Allah, then it has also explained in detail about it. That is, we are not given the freedom to bless whomever we want. (Perhaps that is why one of the questions in the grave will be where or how the money was spent?)And finally a most important incident which has a lesson for all of us. Recently, one of our dear colleagues died due to Corona. Just yesterday it came to my knowledge that many friends are sending Fitrana and Zakat money to their families. When the official fatwa center was approached about this, they replied that it is not permissible to do so, if their family members are of high status.

Some people are negligent in teaching children literature, then these children disturb the neighbors with noise, shouting, clapping and whistling and by noise, fighting and mischief, they disturb the passengers and the passengers. They torment the passers-by, how many neighbor relationships have been damaged due to children’s quarrels, you will see that these children gather in large numbers like pomegranate seeds in the corners and corners of the houses, their purpose All they have to do is make noise, the dawn does not stop them, nor do they shy away from anyone’s sight, they hear the call to prayer, but do not respond, they line up for prayer, but they do not care. , they don’t even shy away from seeing an elderly person, they indulge in teasing, defiance and mockery.

So stop your children from hurting the neighbors. Refine their morals, make them accustomed to virtues and good manners until they adopt the best manners and manners, uprightness, correct manners and popular appearance.Say blessings and peace on Ahmad Mujtabi, the one who shows the right path, the one who advocates for the creation.O Allah, send blessings and peace upon our Prophet and leader, the giver of good news of mercy and reward, the one who warns of punishment and the eagle, who will be the intercessor on the Day of Judgment, whose intercession will be accepted, O Allah! Send blessings upon them, their families and companions, and be pleased with them as well as with us. O the Generous and the Bountiful Bestower.The purpose of the submission is, it is necessary for all of us to investigate whether the recipient is deserving of it or not while handing over Zakat, Fitrana or Sadaqah money to someone.

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