Wise mother and sincere teacher, a bright future

The famous general Napoleon Bonaparte said, “If you give me a good mother, I will give you a good nation.” Mother is the child’s first teacher. If the mother is wise, knowledgeable and educated, then she will be able to train her children in the best way. Similarly, a teacher is called a spiritual father. If a teacher is honest in his field, then the children of this country will be intelligent and knowledgeable and will be able to make the name of their country bright. But unfortunately today neither we are meeting the level of a good mother nor the level of a good teacher.
Instead of making children respect the teacher, today’s parents are belittling the teacher in front of the children. Far from respecting the teacher, they do not care to listen or understand him. Beating is different, even if the teacher scolds, today’s parents rush at the teacher to such an extent that it seems difficult for the teacher to teach in this respectable field. Where parents are depriving children of respect and education, the education sector is also under threat.


John Watson’s words were “Give me a dozen healthy children and give me the power to train and raise them in my own special world, and I can make them experts in any field, whether it be a doctor, Be a lawyer, an artist, a merchant or a beggar”.These words of John Watson prove that parents, teachers and environment play an important role in any child’s life. That is, if any child is given the best environment and excellent education, he can be made into a rare and precious diamond. In this regard, the role of his mother and his teacher is very crucial in the life of any child.Today’s mother has become modern herself with technology. Giving good training to children is a distant thing, today’s mother does not have time to give it to children. Even though children study in good and big institutions, they are deprived of distinction and civilization. Today’s mothers take care of their children’s physical needs, but fulfilling their spiritual needs, taking care of their moral values is not enough for her anymore. A mother is not the one who fulfills the material and physical needs of the children, but a mother is the one in whose arms one can rest the head in sorrow, pain and suffering. Which is the real education of the child. Which should nurture him as well as make him a sociable and civilized person. Protect his body as well as his soul.

In the same way, if the physical health of the child is the responsibility of the mother, then the responsibility of the mental and spiritual health of the child is the responsibility of the teacher. Whether the child’s mind is learning positively or negatively, the heavy responsibility rests on the shoulders of the teacher. If the teacher’s attitude is sympathetic and helpful, then the learning process of the child will also be faster. He will succeed in every test of life by using his creativity. Therefore, the teacher should create an education system that has all the qualities to develop the creative thinking well in our new generation.A good teacher is one who not only imparts information to children but also enables the child to benefit from this knowledge himself. Because the breadth of vision that comes from knowledge and awareness gives us the determination and courage to move towards higher and higher goals. And then achieving a successful life seems possible. Therefore, the guidance and role of the teacher is very important in making the mental abilities of children fruitful.

Encouraging a child can make him successful in every field of life. Both mother and teacher have an important role for this purpose. Train the child in such a way that criticism is constructive. Instead of scolding the child, both the mother and the teacher should explain the child’s mistakes with love. Lest he learn to lie and become unfaithful for fear of beatings and reprimands. So make it a learning experience from your mistakes. Give time to children so that they can share their stories with you and get rid of their inner feelings. Your child is a reflection of you, so try to teach children through action. Don’t make children into a world of machines, spend time with it yourself. Both mother and teacher should take care of children’s self-esteem so that they learn to respect others.Both the teacher’s education and the mother’s training can put the child on the road to a bright and successful future. Remember that children are the builders of the nation, so only their good education can give our nation the wonderful society that we so desperately need. Therefore, may the mothers of this nation and the teachers of this nation understand their responsibilities and leave no stone unturned in fulfilling them. Because time and children of our new generation are getting out of our hands fast.