My Begum was only thirty-two years old when she felt a lump in her chest. After getting the test done, it was known that the tumor was cancerous. After seeing the report, the doctors immediately advised surgery while many aspirants offered their valuable advice. Some said not to do surgery at all, some suggested homeopathy treatment, some suggested sweeping and taweez. But we followed the doctor’s advice and went for the operation.This was said by Muhammad Anwar from Karachi, whose wife is a survivor of breast cancer. Anwar further said that his Begum also had to go through a painful phase of chemotherapy, after which all the hair on his Begum’s head fell out. Chemo was followed by radiation and then several tablets to be taken for five years. But he did not lose heart and did all that was possible with modern treatment while his Begum’s courage remained admirable.

Regarding his Begum’s health, he said that thanks to Allah, her hair also came back after a few months which was darker and shinier than before and Begum is healthy. It has been twenty-five years, but even today the same fear remains in some corner of the mind. Alarm bells start ringing when an unusual cough or fever occurs.Mukaram Habib from Gujranwala narrated her experience in this regard and said that when she felt a hard lump on the left side of her breast along with pain, she approached the doctor. Where he underwent fine needle aspiration cytology and after that the doctor advised him for operation. However, he decided to show his report to the doctor in Lahore. A senior breast cancer doctor in Lahore advised her to undergo mammogram and ultrasound. After seeing the reports of these two tests, the doctor said that sometimes the sacs of water in the breasts of unmarried girls spontaneously form and disappear. However, this does not mean that the test should not be done. You should consult a doctor as soon as you feel sick.

Makram Habib further says that you must inform your daughters, sisters about how to take care of yourself, otherwise even a day’s delay can be harmful. There is a dire need for us to end this notion that what people will say if a virgin girl gets checked by a lady doctor.Breast cancer or breast cancer refers to tumors in the breast. However, it is not necessary that breast cancer will occur only if there is a lump in the breast, there are many other symptoms. such as swelling of all or part of the breast, bloody discharge from the nipple, skin peeling on the breast, a sudden unexplained change in the shape or size of the breast, a change in the appearance of the skin on the chest or a lump under the arm or Swelling etc. However, in general, a lump inside the breast that is like cancer and grows and spreads to another place is called breast cancer.

If a woman feels a lump, a screening test called a mammogram is done. A mammogram is for those over forty, however if the patient is in their twenties or under forty then sometimes an ultrasound is done first. Breast ultrasound and mammogram are special tests. After the mammogram, if the lump looks like it might be dangerous, then the lump is checked with a needle, called a biopsy. This is a special type of biopsy that is done for the groin.Breast cancer awareness is very important in the society. If a woman feels any discomfort, she should not be shy or hesitant, but tell her family immediately and consult a doctor as soon as possible. While it is very important for the woman’s family, especially the men, to understand that it is not possible to treat it at home. It is very important to see a doctor. From the age of 20, breast self-examination should be done every month, clinical examination should be done at least once every six months or once a year, and mammogram should be done after the age of 40.


Unfortunately, there is no complete and official data to tell the percentage of women who develop breast cancer in Pakistan. Four surgical wards are functioning in Karachi’s Jinnah Medical Institute alone, where 202 women have been operated on from September 2021 to September 2022.Here it is also important to remember that breast cancer does not occur only in women but also in men, however the cases of breast cancer in men are less than one percent. Also, it cannot be said about breast cancer that if it happened in one breast, it will not happen in the other breast. This cancer can also reappear. That is why the patient is repeatedly called and checked up.It is a fact that the very word cancer is something that sends a lot of shock and fear to any human being. On the other hand, on hearing about breast cancer, women feel ashamed and hesitant and start suffering without telling anyone, which is not right at all.If the patient needs chemotherapy, it is important to reassure him that this is a phase of the treatment, that even if hair loss and vomiting or similar discomfort occur, they are temporary. After complete treatment, hair also comes back and other ailments also get cured with time. October 19th is World Breast Cancer Day to raise public awareness. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. This is the life. Love life.

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